For matings we have been in Belgium, in England, in France, in The Netherlands, in Austria and in North-Germany, always abroad, as you can see.
I selected a beautiful husband for Layla – Dailuaine Destiny’s Child – , named Duncan – or officially TREBELL TAKEN BY STORM, living in The Netherlands. And we already used him with Josie for the L-Litter. And the puppies turned out so beautifully that I decided to put him on Leyla as well. They both fit perfectly together – typewise, pedigreewise and temperamentwise.
Something missing? Of course The breedwarden’s remarks:
„Homogeneous, typical Golden litter, very nice heads, super pigment, excellent construction, vivid, friendly and tame puppies, very petting. A very promising litter.“
Sounds great to me doesn’t it?!