
The OO-Litter is Payla’s last litter and following a good tradition, I wanted to the best again, meaning repeat her best litter. And the winner was the MM-Litter with Connor, so the two of them should do it again.

But till then I had ti live through scary weeks. Payla would turn 8 in September and due to that had to retire. We trembled with fear, wether she would come into season and be ready for mating before that crucial date. Well, the old girl made it just in time and could be mated a few weeks before.

It was worth while. The puppies turned out to become what I dreamed of – the most wonderful, beautiful and friendly pups of the whole galaxy. Just a brief look at the pedegree and at the loving couple will prove it:

The mating went smoothly – satisfaction guaranteed. And we humans enjoyed a couple of pleasant time with Peter and Marianne – meanwhile we know each other pretty well. It all started with Connor and for Payla it ended with Connor. However, I’m pretty sure that our connection will continue, Peter and Marianne still have other stud dogs with fine blood lines. Well, we’ll see. And even Corona was on our side, just in time the border was open for our little pleasure trip.

The outcome of our little get together is very satisfying too – seven wonderful pups – even considered that the gender ratio wasn’t optimal: 5 boys and only two girls. But that’s just complaining for the cause of it.

Well it is as it is and as it is it is perfect. And here they are:

The raising of the pups was honkey dory too.. There was rarelky such a balanced litter – no fraidy-cats, no slubs, no goops. All lovely, friendly, agile, cudly – all of them beacon-pups.  Take a look yourself and enjoy the following picture-carousel:

I guess, it’s time to present the little OO’s one by one. Here are the official beauty shots:

So, were almost done with the OO’s – I wish them all the best with their new families and friends, a long and happy life full of joy and love.

One thing remains -as usual,  the final judgement of the official breed warden. However this time in these Corona-days, very well represented by our vet – our dear Nadine. And this job she performed as excellent as everything else:

„Typical Golsen puppies,
with super pigment, apealing heads,
excelklent bone, super coat.
Perfect puppie raising,
very well socialized by the breeder and her family
and many and different accoustic and optical attractions!“

So, das war’s fast mit den OO’s – bleibt mir nur noch, den Kleinen und ihren neuen Familien alles Gute, langes Leben, pure Freude zu wünschen.

Das Beste kommt natürlich wieder zum Schluss – die wirklich wahren Erkenntnisse des offiziellen Club-Zuchtwarts, der diesmal wegen Corona nicht kam, aber perfekt vertreten wurde durch unsere Tierärztin, unsere Nadine. Und auch den Job hat sie meisterhaft ausgeführt:

„Typische Golden Welpen, super pigmentiert,
ansprechende Köpfe, vorzügliche Knochenstärke,
super Fellanlagen..
Perfekte Welpenaufzucht, sehr schöne Sozialisierung
mit verschiedenen optischen
und akustischen Reizen