Jewel means alot to me, because she carries on the Amirene-line, which is the foundation of my breeding-line. Her sire is Amirene Wind in the Willows and her Granny is Amirene Dream On – the „germ-cell“ of our kennel.
That’s why her groom must be chosen with utmost care. On the one hand I wanted some fresh blood and it shouldn’t be any blood. On the other hand I wanted a dog who suits my line in temperament, genetically and in appearance. And he should be able to improve Jewel’s virtues. Well, I think I found this „superdog“ He is called Sky.
A big thank you to Greta and Armand for letting their Sky (not Skye) mate our Jewel, for their help while mating, for their overwhelming hospitality and the warm welcome they gave us. And of course many thanks to Sky (not Skye) for ending Jewel’s virginity.
For me it’s not a miracle that these puppies are so well made. They come after their father and their mother – and the combination did the job! Well I have to admit that all my puppies are the world’s most georgeous puppies ever.
Let’s have look on the breedwarden’s judgement:
„Well tempered, lively, neat puppies of very balanced nice type, good coat, super pigment, typical Golden puppies … Very well socialized and friendly puppies. The breeder did her very best raising this litter!“
Sounds familiar -or?!