Actually the HH-Litter was intended to be a repeat litter of the ZZ-Litter, because I wanted to get a new Juicy, since she can’t have any more babies after the dramatic circumstances of the FF-Litter. However, Ludwig that Beethoven had been ailing a bit, so I decided not to take that risk and looked for a replacement – and found Noah. Noah is a beautiful dog with a terrific temperament and actually 3/4 Beethoven. And: He was able, he was allowed, and he was willing to take the job. And in fact not just a replacement but a congenial partner to Ruby, as everybody can see taking a glance at these pics:

How congenial this pairing is shows the pedigree of the HH’s to be:

The motto of the HH-Litter is: „The litter that came in from the cold.“
The story goes like this: It was about the 10th of February 2016, only 4 days after Jersey had been mated, when I sent my husband to the Netherlands to get Ruby mated. I couldn’t go, I felt sickly.
What did my „lovey-dovey-dream-team“ undergomin the Netherlands? A mating the world has never seen before. The two of them should drop by at about 7.30 pm at Bart and Charmaine and especially Noah. It was dark and freezing cold and my dream team thought, due to the low temoeratures and the poor light the mating woul take place inside, but fiddlesticks. What’s so ever, my husband was dressed for indoors mybe just standing a cigarette long in the cold but no longer. However, that Noah must be some sort of a shady character who only can do it in the dark and outside. Rubx didn’t mind, she had a heating stick inside, but my cold morsel husband froze almost to death, his teeth were clatterind along that loud you could have theimpression a stork in high season sat in the yard. For heaven’s sake his denture adhesive worked pretty well, otherwise he would have lost his teeth and would have never found them again in the dark.
You don’t believe that story? – Look at the proof:

I know quite well that you don’t see much, but yet the nitty-gritty: the flickery and clanking cold, tne absolute darkness, on the left Noah hanging over Ruby and in the back the man with the beard – that’s Beard, sorry, Bart.
What do you think could come from this most freezing mating since the beginning of time?

Attention please! Get on board on our famous infamous picture carousel – a bit shorter this time again, watch the first two weeks of the little HH’s:
Hop on board for the next carousel – who did look at the GG-Litter will know that this carousel of week 3 to 8 is not HH-exclusive, however a GGHH-carousel due to our co-education-concept.
Let’s leave co-education and get back to the HH’s exclusively – the obligatory beautyshots:

And finally the cherry on the cake – the breedwarden-report:
„Active and friendly, very human related, fabulous heads, good substance, very nice cat paws! Lots of coat, super pigment, very good construction – a litter of extraordinary quality, very balanced. Very nice breeding by an experienced breeder, eyerything well organized.“