The JJ-Litter is Payla’s first litter, but her second try. The first didn’t work., but this one.
We chose another loverboy, one who already proved to be fertile, to see if everything is ok with her, well she is ok.
Looking at the pedigree the experts among you start murmering by enthusiasm, ordinary people just count the reds and they will be amazed too.

Just here has been the complete puppy book of the JJ’s. But as I said before only for a short period. You missed it or you can’t look at it any more – tough shit! As compensation for the book there are no pics at all for another short period, maybe that changes sooner or later, when I’m in the mood for it.
It’s later now, for your pleasure I’m adding a new episode of the worldfamous puppy caroussell – featuring the JJ’s. As usual, just click on a pic or the circles below and the show begins – or just lean back and let it fly:
Only because of the book you don’t have to abstain from the usual beautyshots and the sermon of the breedwarden:
“Friendly, cuddly, typical Golden puppies with super coat and pigment. Good bone, appealing heads and construction. A very nice and balanced litter, temperamentwise very trusty and human related, very nicely socialized … Very nice breeding with lots of competence and love!“