It’s as sad as true – Ripple has gone over the rainbow bridge. She died November 27, 2013. She was fit and happy til her last moment. Happily as ever she went into our vet’s practice. She lost her appetite, blood tests showed some kind of inflammation and we supposed that she had a pyometra. But on the table the pyometra turned out as a huge cancer tumor growing around her intestine and would have it obstructed in short time. So we decided full of sorrow to let her go to prevent her from greater suffering.
Ripple, we thank you for beeing with us. Yoe have been a terrific dog, a true companion, a real friend. Sometimes you got on our nerves with your way of getting attention with your paw, however you always wanted to be friendly and nice and get a little petting. That’s why you loved any visitor at our home because they didn’t get tired petting you as quickly as we did too often. You were the best example to show others what „will-to-please“ means.
Take care old girl we are very happy and blessed that you shared your life with us. We will miss you!
Ripple came to us from Jane Clark, when she was two years old. Jane Clark is Trewater, one of the best kennels in Wales and Great Britain. I always felt very priveleged to be entrusted with a dog from her. My first encounter with Ripple was when we were at Jane’s for a mating with our Sunshine. Ripple was 7 months old and adopted me at once. Since then I was in love with her and that never changed.
Ripple was a real showgirl. She loved to show and when she entered the ring she was the center of attraction. She only needed 18 months to became German Champion and GRC Champion.
> Bundessieger-Zuchtschau Dortmund 16.10.2005
> Clubsiegerschau – Pat Busch Schau Cloppenburg 26.03.2006
> CACIB Saarbrücken 04.06.2006
> CACIB Nürnberg 13.01.2007
> CACIB Erfurt 14. April 2007
Thanks again to all the judges who shared my affection for Ripple and a special Thank You to Jane Clark for enttrusting me with Ripple. How proud and happy I was with Ripple you can see on all these pics. And even my „do-we-really-have to-go-to-this-show?“-grumpy hubby is really proud of her. His chest is almost as big as his belly – and that means a lot.
After the „first-career- then-kids“-phase Ripple went back to Jane and had two litters. After that she came back to me – but not alone, two of her pups – Ruby and River – came along.
Threafter it was showtime again. And Ripple got her Veterans Champion in record speed. She needed three tickets for this title and she made it in three shows. What a good girl!
Then she retired and lived happily with her family and her pack. And she could be „The Paw“ for the rest of her life.