The KK-Litter is a very special and prescious litter for me, because it is Rhoda’s first. That’s special because Rhoda didn’t take before and I was worried that something’s wrong with her. Therefore I took her to Hannover to the vet-clinic to a reknown reproduction guru. I know her for years, how many I won’t tell you, otherwise IM starting to feel very very old. My professor doctor Sandra Göricke-Pesch put Rhoda upside down and the other direction too, but fortunately she did not find something infertile in and about her. So we blame the stud-dog or just cismet for her non-pregnancy. What the hack?! It worked this time!
So, Icould proceed with my mating-planning. Question was: Who is in charge this time? Definitely not the guy we used before, we need something new, something very different. I found him. A guy, definitely meant to be the one and only for my Rhoda – by the way, her official kennel name is DEFINITELY-MEANT-TO-Be, what a coincidence. Who is this wonderboy? His name is Ritchie alias SOLSTRIMMANS SERENGETI – well you can’t blame him for that. He is a handsome boy, his genetics are congenial to Rhoda, so we’ll give him a try. The pedigree of the KK’s-to-be looked very promising to me, but take a look yourself:

The two of them liked each other from the very beginning – I don’t know if it was love, but Rhoda’s hormons were tickling what he surely heard very clearly and demanding. Following the old saying „your wish is my command“ he grabbed her under the fir tree. So far, so good, for me started a long period of anxiety, uncertainty and a little amount of hope. Did it work out or will it turn into a nothingburger?!
Well, after painful four weeks everything turned into apotheosis. The ultrascan revealed that Rhoda was pregnant and how pregnant she was – full to the rim! But still 5 weeks till elation. Those five weeks felt like five decades, but finally it was done. The putative infertile Rhoda produced 12 (yes really twelve) puppies, in only six hours. What a good girl!

The worst part was behind us all, the only thing the lucky dozen had to do was growing up properly. Not quite easy if you have only ten tits at disposal. Lucky them that Aunt Shiloh was not operating at full capacity (see litter LL) and adopted one of Rhoda’s puppies. Time went by with no major problems in the whelping box, everybody was gaining weight properly – due to our genius rochade principle: the little ones first. And because Shilohs puppies were only three days younger the KK’s and the LL’s grew up in perfect co-education. They shared everything very brotherly and sisterly. How life was with 21 vivid puppies will show you our beloved carousel. Who wants to know who is who – the KK’s wear their color-dot on the bud, the LL’s on the neck.
After this mass gathering it is time to present the KK’s individually and in full glory – here come the official beauty-shots:

So, that was it with the KK’s – what’s left for me ie wishing them and their new families all the best, a long and happy life full of joy.
Well, the best at last – the official praising by the official breed-warden of the Club:
„Very friendly, trusting, very well socialized puppies,
very balanced litter with super pigment,
expressive heads, good bone and coat and angulation. Excellent, typical Golden-puppies.
Very nice, homely breeding and upbringing,
fully engaged breeder with a long breeding history.
Fully supported by her family. Optimal!„