The T-Litter is Jewels second litter. She did a perfect job on her first and did the same on her second. The pre-conditions were set for that. her lover is none other than Don Giovanni and he surely knows what to do. This famous opera twerp and our Don Giovanni have a lot in common. Both are practicing protectionists of polygamy and live a lustful life. Anyway, they are loveable lads and women seem to like it – at least Jewel did.

But seriously: Don Giovanni is not only of noble stock and quite handsome, his temperament, his character are striking as well. And if you happen to come by Nüziders in Austria don’t you dare calling him Don Giovanni, he is used to be called Cagney, because in reality he is an Englishman living in Austria. And that’s where Mozart must met him and got inspired for 3 hours of music.

Many thanks to Michaela and Thomas for some beautiful days and all the good food. And many thanks to Cagney for giving his precious semen to a real Jewel. And it was the real thing as you can see below:

First some flirting for about 47 seconds then he tried to impress her doing crazy things. Then we decided to go inside because we did not want frozen semen. And wham bam they did it. By the way, the old bag on the right is my Don Giovanni. „Well some are lucky some are not – Jewel was lucky!“

However, what a lovely couple – even if he hasn’t seen a barber for a long time. Maybe his friend the barber of Sevilla was on vacation.

And what had become out of this lovely pair and their pairing? Take a look – here come the official pics of the T-Litter:

I’ll bet you were waiting impatiently for the most important. the report of the breed warden. Well, here it is:

„Well balanced litter, good bone and coat,  pleasing and expressful heads, very well pigmented. Excellently socialized, friendly, curious, relaxed lots of will to please.“

How right he is  – the breedwarden. I see it the same way.