The BB-Litter is called BB-Litter, because BB is an abbreviation of „BequickBequick“. And this is definitely a good motto for this litter. Why?
Because Ruby decided to be quick in coming into season – at least 4 weeks earlier than her normal cycle. That’s why I had to be quick finding the right stud dog. And then I had to be quick to get him through all the clearance procedures of the Golden Retriever Club, because nobody used him before as a stud over here. And then the Club had to be quick to approve him. Many thanks to Ellen Zaremba and Ralf Koch who did their very best be quick.
And it was just in time because Ruby said to herself „Be quick and get ready for the mating.“ Normally on the 14th day of her season. But this time her hormones set a new record and said „ready“ three days earlier. All my plans for travelling were sh… So plan B had to be started. Well, plan B was the worst alternative you can imagine and I wanted to avoid that by all means, because in plan B I had to hand over the key part to my „Oh-God-I-really-don’t-know-if-I-can-manage-this“-husband. I didn’t even asked if he would like to take over – he had to do it – period.
First and foremost he had to do one thing: be quick! Ruby had to go for her eye certificate, Ruby had to go to the vet for her pet scheme treatment, the tunnel had to be booked, he had to go to the bank for English Pounds, he had to inform the stud dog owner that he will be there at 10 next morning and he had to go pee before he hit the Autobahn at 9 pm. And he did it – he was at the stud dog owner’s house next morning at 10 am. Where? In a hick town named Deblins Green. This place might be mentioned in a map of walks but not in a road map, nor a gps system and even Google Maps only show some kind of meadow. Well, it’s named Deblins Green anyway. In reality Deblins Green has an Abbey and about six more houses and thanks to Malcolm Godefroy more dogs as inhabitants than humans.But it has lots of landscape and of course the Malverns – the British miniature edition of the Alps. Just one hill, some feet above sea level and lots of Alpine tourists and some really gorgeous views. It must be really nice around there, but I wasn’t interested in my husband’s sightseeing report – the only thing I wanted to know was:“How did the mating go?“
„Well, I had a lovely time with Malcolm, his coffee tastes very well, we had a nice chat before, during and after and the dinner was excellent, I have to thank Malcolm for his outstanding stud service and his hospitality and Ruby and I had a real good time..“ „You are driving me nuts, you can thank him later and tell me more about your adventures up there, but now: What about the mating?“
Well, it was a real „be quick“ mating, the prelude just took about 11 and a half seconds, upon the lady, into the lady, however and Thank God, the „coming out“ took a little longer, about half an hour. To make it short – an absolutely perfect mating. Same thing next morning, however the prelude was a very be quick, only 6 seconds. Well, of course, they knew each other from the day before. And off we went on the motorway and were back home at 2 am on Thursday – it was a bequick, short and enjoyable trip.
I really shouldn’t leave my hubby so much room for his feuilletonistic excursions or should I say: for his verbal diarrhoea – but that wouldn’t be very nice, would it:
Whatsoever, here come the hard facts:
Let me introduce – the parents of the BB-Litter
Fenwood Marc Jacobs (called Jacob) and Trewater Rapuzel (called Ruby)

The pedigree of the BB’s looks very promising for the experts. For all others it should be enough if they see red, because in this case red means good, because red marks all the champions in the pedigree and there are lots of them.

O.K. – now we have to be quick – with waiting for the whelping. The calculated birthday is October 1st – but the way Ruby does it, it can be quicker, her first two litters came five days earlier than calculated.
Well, not this time – only four days earlier and one more sleepless night! And again just for nothing! Ruby kept the suspense up, she was restless the whole night long and nothing but panting. She waited for whelping till day light. Quarter to eight the first pup was born – quarter after one p.m. the last – 5 boys and four girls – sound and kicking.
And you won’t believe it, all nine are the most gorgeous puppies in the whole galaxy. Well, just what I expected.

With mine abundant grace I will give you an insight into puppy upbringing from the very beginning up to 8 weeks:
Here the official beauty shots of the pups:

Still something missing – Oh yes the unctuous words of our breed warden:
“Well balanced, active, proper puppies of even nice type. Very good bone, very good coat, very good pigment. All dogs and puppies are fully integrated into their family. Affectionate breeding with ful socialisation.“
Thank you, I couldn’t do better.