The P-Litter was planned as something very special. That’s why we designated Pearl to get the P-Puppies – Pearl like P – you got it?
As we breeders are very careful regarding the mating partners, the stud dog had – beside others – to fullfil one very special postulate. In his name had to be at least one P and his ancestors had to have at least one P in each generation – 3 generations back. After a long and painful search we found the matching partner for Pearl. It is Shardanell Castaspell. In his 3-generation-pedigree are 8 P’s. 8 out of 12 is more than sufficient to produce perfect puppies. Because there is an old rule among breeders. Matching P’s stand for matching genes. That is scientificially proven – however only for the letter P. All other letters are still under research.
The disadvantage about letter-genealogy is that you cannot expect to find the matching partner in your near neighbourhood. So’s the case here. That Shardanell Castaspell lives in Wales – almost 800 miles away. If you convert that, it‘ over 4 PPS. What PPS are? – that what the name says: PeePitStops!
Serious talk now:
The P-Litter is planned as something very special. That’s why I choose a very special guy for Pearl: ShowChampion Shardanell Castaspell – called Harry – one of the most promising dogs England can offer today. I like his construction, his coat, his head, everything. And I am addicted to his temperament. That’s what everybody said whom I asked.